
When your mortgage deal is approaching expiry your existing lender will offer you options from their product range only. If you do nothing at all you will revert to their standard variable rate which is typically higher.

Regular Reviews


Can I get a better rate?

When your mortgage rate expires your mortgage will revert to the lender’s standard variable rate. The lender may have had the right rate for your circumstances previously but this may not be right option now. We can review your circumstances and the current market to ensure you are getting the right deal.

Further advance?

Do you want that new kitchen or an extension to create more space without the inconvenience of moving home? Then a further advance or a remortgage may be the solution. Speak to us to discuss your options in order to make an informed decision on the right course of action.

Can I let to buy?

Do you want to move house but would like to keep your existing property and rent it out? We have helped so many clients achieve this goal. If you want to discover what is possible, speak to us to determine your options. It may be closer than you think.


Our Process


initial Call

Your circumstances may have changed since your initial purchase of the property. We will assess your affordability during this call to determine the best course of action for you to take.


Application Submission

Now you have established your specific requirements, we are ready to get the mortgage process started for you. A full mortgage application can be submitted to a new lender or possibly a product transfer with your existing lender.

Request for Documents

Once we have established we can assist you, we will request all of the appropriate documentation. A complete list of documentary requirements can be found here.


Mortgage offer

A product transfer is typically done with minimal checks subject to certain conditions. For a remortgage the lender will verify two main areas. Your ability to pay and the suitability of the property you are remortgaging. Once they have verified your documents, credit status and received a satisfactory valuation for the property, the mortgage offer will be issued.

Establish Requirements

We will advise and recommend a solution to meet your requirements, whether that is finding a better rate, capital raising for home improvements or to buy another property.



A copy of the mortgage offer will be issued to you, to us and to your nominated solicitor. Once the mortgage offer is issued all that remains is for your solicitor to complete the conveyancing process and then your new mortgage will begin. A product transfer would not require any conveyancing as you remain with the same lender.


Because We Play By The Book We Want To Tell You That…

You may have to pay an early repayment charge to your existing lender if you remortgage. 

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

A fee of up to 1% of the mortgage amount may be charged depending on individual circumstances. A typical fee is £795.